Melissa Metcalf Le Roy
At her heaviest, Melissa reached over 220 lbs. With the help of Dr. Picone, she successfully went from a woman’s size 14 to a size 0.
Melissa, currently works at Foothills Wellness Center where she helps people heal themselves inside and out.
At Foothills Wellness Center she assists Dr. Joseph Picone deliver healthy recipes, which can be seen every Monday on Carolina Kitchen.
She has been awarded her CHNP (Certified Holistic Nutritional Practitioner) license and a certificate in Native American Health Studies through Western Carolina University.
In 1993 she was accepted to Western Carolina University on a track scholarship. It was around this time that Melissa was diagnosed with a rare disease.
Instead of accepting this, she took her love of exercise as well as Dr. Joe Picone’s advice and mentoring and altered her diet. Adding digestive enzymes, Melissa was able to overcome this disease and lose close to the ninety pounds she had put on while battling this illness.
Today, Melissa actively participates in road races, half marathons and Spartan Races. Her other active hobbies include Mountain Biking, Hiking, StandUp Paddle Board and Yoga. In 2014 Melissa completed her goal to achieve a Spartan Trifecta, competing in all three Spartan Races distances in one year.